Day 9: How long is quarantine going to last?

When all of this first happened, I thought maybe we would be practicing social distancing for a couple of weeks max, but it’s looking like we might be in this for the long haul. But for how long? It’s too soon to predict, but the message is clear: If you want this to end quickly,Continue reading “Day 9: How long is quarantine going to last?”


We’re officially one week into quarantine which means it’s time for me to post my first quarantine challenge. And I challenge my friends with the space and the tools to start a garden this year. Gardening has a ton of benefits and we’re right at the start of spring, so this is perfect timing. NotContinue reading “QUARANTINE CHALLENGE #1: Start a Garden!”

Day 7: Life Goes On! But how’s your job?

My first online class went very well. The students were a little bit nervous about taking classes online instead of in a traditional classroom, but once we got started things went just fine. I was happy to see some familiar faces. Teaching online is going to be a challenge, but we’re also having fun. OneContinue reading “Day 7: Life Goes On! But how’s your job?”

Day 6: Keep Calm and Wash your Hands (and listen to the CDC)

When this Covid-19 stuff first started going on, I wasn’t terribly alarmed. Of course I stayed informed, washed my hands, and did the bare minimum to prevent getting sick or spreading the virus. But I was still visiting family members with compromised immune systems. I was still hanging out with groups of people. I wasContinue reading “Day 6: Keep Calm and Wash your Hands (and listen to the CDC)”

Day 5: Mimosas and Sunshine (practicing gratitude)

It could be worse. It could be much worse. What if there was no champagne? What then? As we slowly transition into this new reclusive lifestyle, it’s important to be grateful for the little things, like being able to drink mimosas. While some countries are experiencing societal collapse, food shortages, martial law, and the constantContinue reading “Day 5: Mimosas and Sunshine (practicing gratitude)”

Day 4: Cleaning and Organizing

If you find yourself bored during this quarantine, now might be the perfect time to clean, organize, and PURGE!!! Having less stuff is such a wonderful feeling. I’d recommend it to anybody. Recently, I blogged about the art of minimalism, a concept I firmly believe in. The original post is HERE and now seems like theContinue reading “Day 4: Cleaning and Organizing”

Day 3: Boredom + Anxiety = Stress Eating

This will be a short post on account of me stuffing my face and not having enough time to write. I dig me some snacks and despite people hoarding food and emptying shelves, I’m still able to find all my favorite things. I’m a sucker for chips and salty snacks, not a big fan ofContinue reading “Day 3: Boredom + Anxiety = Stress Eating”

Day 2: Prepare for Change

We are moving to online classes!! I’m a little nervous but mostly excited. I anticipate there will be glitches and other issues, but for the most part, I think things will be just fine. We’ll be using an app called Zoom and we’ve had lots of practice so far. And this is a good opportunityContinue reading “Day 2: Prepare for Change”

Day 1: The Day the Bars Closed

Initially, I blew things off because I’m not an alarmist. Like most scares this will surely fizzle out after a week or two, right? Sometimes it’s hard to tell if an issue like Covid-19 is going to get worse or better. I watched the news and kept updated, but I wasn’t terribly worried. And thenContinue reading “Day 1: The Day the Bars Closed”

Day 81: Living in a Bus Step 11: Safety First!

This is an old post from when I first finished my bus. I can’t believe how long it’s been. My e-book for converting a vehicle into a motor home is almost done and I can’t wait to publish it. In the meantime, here’s my post about keeping safe in a converted vehicle just before myContinue reading “Day 81: Living in a Bus Step 11: Safety First!”